KettenWulf standard drop-forged rivetless chains
The KettenWulf standard chains are made of SAE-
5140 high quality steel. The actual breaking loads are
significantly higher than those required by the standard.
These chains are mostly used for applications
without any particular requirements for wear resistance
and chain pull.
KettenWulf premium
KettenWulf premium are the ideal choice for all
critical applications which require maximum wear
resistance and breaking loads. KettenWulf premium
rivetless detachable chains are made of SAE-4140
and SAE-8640 steels of particularly high quality. Each
component of these chains receives a special surface
treatment guaranteeing unrivalled surface quality.
In addition, the inner surfaces of the link plates’ joints
are machined to ensure the best possible friction
combination between pin and inner link plate. The
result is an ultimate wear resistance.
By using SAE-4140 and SAE-8640 high quality steels
with special heat treatment, KettenWulf premium
chains gain the highest breaking loads and particularly
high resistance to impact loads.
Upon request, we can supply chains with the following
corrosion protection properties:
Zinc plated: DIN 50961 10 to 13μm
Hot-dip galvanised: DIN 50976 60 to 90μm
Typical applications for the chains are overhead
conveyor, scrapers / chip conveyors or in filtration
Standard & premium
drop-forged rivetless chains
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